ReTHINK Your School's Marketing and Recruitment Strategy in the Asian Market

Introducing our data-driven, content-centric, and cost-effective solution—all in one place.

FindingSchool partner solutions

Trusted by leading private K-12 schools worldwide


See what we offer

Establish an online presence, grow traffic and brand awareness in important Asian markets

  • Support in China, Vietnam, Korea, and a growing number of markets.
  • Broadcast market specific admission requirements, announcements, events, etc.
  • One stop solution to update school information.

Access market specific insights, trends and recommendations

  • Map view of traffic sources and ranking
  • Track popularity of content
  • Monitor your competitor schools

One stop access to all verified visitors with indication of interest

  • Sort verified visitors by time and engagement
  • Obtain detailed usage statistics and insights from different markets
  • Indicate visitors with 'high interest level'
  • Ability to download list of contact for future engagement

Access the latest market insights, industry trends at your fingertips

  • Share market specific knowledge via newsletters and online seminars
  • FindingSchool office hour to answer your questions
  • Access to latest market survey and know how strategy

Offer helps for your trips to Asia

  • Broadcast trip itineraries to FindingSchool community
  • Organize parent and student gatherings
  • Online registration tools

More data.

More insights.

As a data driven company, FindingSchool values the increasing importance of gaining first handed, fast changing insights from different markets. Imagine what you can achieve if you have these insights and your competitor schools do not.
Partner schools
Premium profiles
Global Visits (2023)

Partner Solution

Straight-forward pricing that aligns with your business goals.
Tier One Package

  • Premium profile in Simplified Chinese and English
  • Connect with Chinese speaking families in Mainland China and around the globe
  • Improved search engine efficiency on Baidu
  • 24/7 Portal access for content management
  • Enhanced Profile Showcase
  • Lead Generation Tools
  • Market Insights Reports
  • Competitor Traffic Reports
  • SAO tab
  • Ambassador Program
  • Virtual school tours
  • Enhanced multimedia gallery
Tier Two Package

  • Premium profiles in Simplified Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai and English
  • Improved search engine efficiency on Baidu and Google
  • 24/7 Portal access for content management
  • Enhanced Profile Showcase
  • Lead Generation Tools
  • Market Insights Reports
  • Competitor Traffic Reports
  • SAO tab
  • Ambassador Program on Chinese profile
  • Virtual school tours
  • Enhanced multimedia gallery
Schedule Demo

Here is why schools love FindingSchool?

Working with FindingSchool for live events is always a pleasure! Their team is so well organized and provides excellent promotion for the event. Our events with FindingSchool have hundreds, if not thousands, more highly motivated parents in attendance than other online events we have participated in. We know that FindingSchool will provide the value and the connections. After the event, they also provided online resources based on our livestream for us to share with Chinese-speaking families. Overall, I would highly recommend working with FindingSchool.
Heather Carreiro
Associate Director of Marketing & Communications, Midland School
FindingSchool has been an exceptional partner for us. They consistently collect up-to-date data and share it promptly, ensuring we have the latest insights. Their information sessions are invaluable, providing us with crucial knowledge and guidance. We highly recommend FindingSchool for their reliability and dedication. Working with them has truly enhanced our decision-making process throughout the Asian region.
Caralyn Dea
Senior Associate Director of Admissions, The Frederick Gunn School
With the launch of our reinstated boarding program, FindingSchool has been an exceptional partner. They are professional, easy to work with and always attentive in providing ideas and data on the ever-changing Chinese market. They know their market and they take the time to know their schools. Mahalo FindingSchool!
Kim Nguyen
Director of Residential Admission, 'Iolani School
FindingSchool has been a great partner for American Heritage School. They have helped us connect with outstanding students who want to study in the United States. They work hard, they are responsive and the have helped us reach our recruitment goals.
Marc Shaw
Executive Director of Admissions, American Heritage School
Findingschool has been a great partner. People there are very professional and easy to work with. The information they provide helps us understand the market more accurately. It is the platform that every Chinese family who is looking at US boarding schools use. Their on-the-ground events provide an outstanding opportunity to get the message to a very targeted audience. They strive to become better each year.
Jessie Chen
Special Assistant to the Head of School, Western Reserve Academy
FindingSchool is the most referenced resource utilized by prospective Chinese students and their families, when considering school options outside of China. In conversation with potential students they will often indicate they visited our schools' website however, with further clarification, it is more likely they visited our school page within the FindingSchool site.
Kila M. McCann
Dean of Admission & Financial Aid, The Bolles School

Start your journey with FindingSchool today

For a new way of marketing and recruiting in Asia!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is FindingSchool?
FindingSchool is a Boston-based edtech search engine that connects thousands of private secondary schools in the US, Canada, UK and Switzerland with millions of prospective families globally. It operates two domains:, catering to the Chinese-speaking community with a focus on mainland China, and, which focuses on strategic expansion into other fast-growing Asian countries like Vietnam and Korea. With over 1.5 million annual visits, FindingSchool is the #1 site in East Asia for school searches.
How will it help my school to market and recruit in Asia?

As a member, schools gain access to two industry-leading digital products: market insights and visitor snapshots.

The market insights dashboard provides data-rich content illustrating how potential families use school profiles in different markets, helping schools understand demographics, content popularity, competitor traffic, and other local marketing insights.

Visitor snapshots offer a pool of verified visitors engaged with school profiles, with a subset labeled as highly engaged, allowing direct contact with interested families.

Additionally, schools benefit from an extensive knowledge library featuring market research reports, expert webinars, and newsletters providing unique, market-specific, and timely knowledge for informed marketing and recruitment planning.

Is it free?
Our partner solution operates on an annual membership fee basis, offering two packages: one for the China market and another for all Asian markets, including China, Vietnam, Korea, and more.
How can I learn more about FindingSchool?
For more information on how the portal works and inquiries about pricing, please fill out a form, and a FindingSchool team member will contact you soon.

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